I. Education and Training
Expected Graduation: Spring 2023
2020 - 2021
2014 - 2018
University of Washington, Seattle WA
Ph.D. Chemical Engineering
Advanced Data Science Option - Completed Summer 2021
Advisor: Elizabeth Nance, Ph.D.
Pacific Northwest National Labs - University of Washington
Data Science Training Program
Internship Completed - Summer 2021
University of Washington, Seattle WA
M.S. Chemical Engineering
Arizona State University, Tempe AZ
B.S. in Chemical Engineering, Summa Cum Laude
Honors Thesis: "New Diagnostic Methods for Detecting Microvillus Inclusion Disease" PI: Michael Caplan Ph.D.
II. Honors, Awards, and Certificates
2020 - 2021
Women in Chemical Engineering Travel Award ($1400)
Academic Data Science Alliance Student Keynote Nomination, University of Washington Science Institute Nominee
Advanced Graudate Data Science Option Completed
Auburn University's Preparing Future FAculty Workshop Series Participant
AIChE 2021 Carbon Nanomaterails Graduate Student Awards Session Presenter
Exceptional University of Washington Womxn Award
University of Washington Compupter Science & Engineering 544: Database Management Systems Best Project Award - 1st Prize
Engineering Fireside Chat with the Dean and Vice Dean of the College of Engineering, Graduate Student Interviewer (selected via a faculty nomination process)
Husky Union Building: Hall of Fame Activities Award - Finalist
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory - University of Washington Data Science Training Program
McCarthy Award for Excellence in Graduate Student Teaching
Student Technology Fee Awarded Proposal: Dynamic Light Scattering Autosampler ($23,660)
Chemical Hygiene Officer Lab Safety Award
Catherine and Scott C. Roberts Distinguished Endowed Graduate Fellowship in Chemical Engineering
Diploma from Barrett the Honors College at Arizona State University
Dean's List at Arizona State University (Eight Consecutive Semesters)
New American University Scholar - President's Award
All-Conference Female State Bowling Champion (High School)
III. Publications
Helmbrecht H., Nance E.* Effective Laboratory2Education with TEXTILE: Tutorials in EXperimentalisT Interactive Leawrning. Journal of Chemical Engineering Education.
Wood T. R., Hildahl K., Helmbrecht H. Corry K. A., Moralego D., Kolnik S. E., Prater K. E., Juul S. E., Nance E.* A ferret Ex Vivo Brain Slice Model of Oxygen-Glucose Deprivation Captures ERgional Perinatal Injury and Treatment Associated with Specific Microglial PHenotypes. BIoengineering & Translational Medicine (2021). In press.
Helmbrecht H., Xu N., Liao R., Nance E.* Data Management Schema Design for Effective Nanoparticle Formulation for Neurotherapeutics. AIChE Journal (2021) October; 17459 [Cover Article]
Helmbrecht H., Joseph A., Zhang M., McKenna M., Nance E.* Governing transport principles for nanomedicine applications in the brain. Current Opinion in Chemical Engineering (2020) 30:112-119
Joseph A., Liao R., Zhang M., Helmbrecht H., McKenna M., Filteau J., Nance E.* Nanoparticle-microglial interaction in the ischemic brain is modulated by injury duration and treatment. (Invited – Bioengineering and Translational Medicine), Bioengineering & Translational Medicine (2020) August; 10175
Data Published: Jospeh A., Liao R., Zhang M., Helmbrecht H., Mckenna M., Filteau J., Nance E.* Fluorescent Microglia Images for Analyzing morphological Changes due to Injury Duration in the Sichemic Rat Brain [Data Set]. Zenodo https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.4302580
IV. Talks and Conference Oral Presentations
Helmbrecht H., Nance E. Quantifying the Shapes of the Brain's Most Acrobatic Cell. Oral Presentation. University of Washington Scholars' Studio; Virtual; November 2021.
Helmbrecht H., Xu N., Nance E., Building a Queryable Nanotherapeutic Database to Advance Nanomedicine Translation to the Clinic. AIChE Annual Conference: AIChE Journal Futures - New Directions in Chemical Engineering Research SEssion; Boston, Massachusetts; November 2021.
Helmbrecht H., Nance E. TEXTILE: Tutorial sin EXperimentalisT Interactive LEarning. Oral Presentation. AIChE Annual Conference; Teaching dAta Science to STudents and Teachers I SEssion; Boston, Massachusetts; November 2021.
Helmbrecht H., Joseph A., Liao R., Xu N., Chen C., Nance E. Data Management Schema Design for Effective Nanoparticle Formulation for Probing and Treating Neurological Disease. Oral Presentation. AIChE Annual Conference: Computational Approaches for Studies at the Nanoscale Session; Boston, Massachusetts; November 2021. (Talk selected for Cabon Nanomaterials Graduate Student Award Session)
Helmbrecht H., Nance E. Enhancing Insight to Individual and Population-Based Microglial Reactivity with Image Analysis. Oral Presnetation. AIChE Annual Conference: Applications of Data Science to HIgh Throughput Experimentation; Boston, Massachusetts; November 2021.
Helmbrecht H., Jospeh A., Liao R., Xu N., Chen C., Nance E. Data Management Schema Design for Effective Nanoparticle Formulation for Probing and treating Neurological Disease. Oral Presentation. AIChE Annual Conference; Boston, Massachusetts; November 2021. Carbon Nanomaterials: Graduate Student Award Session
Helmbrecht H., Joseph A., Liao R., Xu N., Chen C., Nance E., Data Management Schema Design for Effective Nanoparticle Formulation for Probing and Treating Neurological Disease. Oral Presentation. Chemical Engineering Graduate STudent Sypmosium; Seattle, Washington; SEeptember 2021.
Helmbrecht H. Burkle L. M., Gasstelum J. A., Pazdernik K. Informal Document Segmentaiton for Improved Text Delineation. Oral Presentation. Pacific Northwest National Laboratories Gold Experience Symposium; Virtual; August 2021.
Helmbrecht H., Nance E. Data Management Schema Design for Effective Nanoparticle Formulation for Probing and Treating Neurological Disease. Oral PResentation. University of Washington, Bioengineering Department Biomaterials Seminar; Virtual; April 2021.
Helmbrecht H., Nance E. Data Management Schema Design for Effective Nanoparticle Formulation for Probing and Treating Neurological Disease. Oral Presentation. University of Washington, Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science 544: Database Management Systems Showcase; Virtual; March 2021. Best Project Award - 1st prize.
Helmbrecht H., Nance E. Ffiber: Framework For neuroImaging Based Experimental Routines. Oral Presentation. AIChE Annual Conference; Virtual; November 2020
Helmbrecht H., Nance E. Application of a Robust Framework for neuroImaging Based Experimental Routines (FIBER) for Integrating Domain and Data Science; Oral Presentation. University of Washington, eScience Institute Data Science Seminar; Virtual; October 2020
Helmbrecht H., Nance E. Application of a Robust Framework for neuroImaging Based Experimental Routines (FIBER) for Integrating Domain and Data Science. Oral Presentation. Academic Data Science Alliance Annual Meeting; Virtual; October 2020
Helmbrecht H., Nance E. Jupyter Notebook as a Medium for Experimentalist and Data Scientist Collaboration in Neuroimaging. Oral Presentation. JupyterCon; Virtual; October 2020
Helmbrecht H. Nance E. FIBER: Frameworks for neuroImaging Based Experimental Routines with Python and Jupyter Notebook. Lightning Talk. SciPy Annual Conference; Virtual; July 2020
V. Poster Presentations
Helmbrecht H., Nance E. Enhancing Biological Insight and Connection with Data Science. Women in Chemical Engineering Poster Session. AIChE Annual Meeting. Boston, Massachusetts. November 2021. Women in Chemical Engineering Travel Award Winner.​
Janakiraman S., Helmbrecht H., Nance E. Analysis of Microglial Morphology in Ischemic Brain INjury. University of Washington Undergraduate Research Symposium. Online. May 2021.
Decker K., Helmbrecht H., Nance E. Algorithmic Study of Astrocyte Morphology with Increasing Distance from Injury. University of Washington Undergraduate Research Symposium. Online. May 2021.
Helmbrecht H., Nance E. (2021) Enhancing Therapeutic Screening with Cell Feature Quantification and DAtabase Development. Uniersity of Washington Chemical Engineering Annual Graduate Student Poster Session. Virtual.
Helmbrecht H., Elizabeth Nance (2020). Comprehensive Brain Cell Morphology Pipeline for Feature Quantification in Fluorescent Images. University of Washington Chemical Engineering Annual Graduate Student Poster Session.
Helmbrecht H., Lin R., McKenna M., Shackelford D., Nance E. (2020). Data science for developing analysis and prediction tools for neural images and videos. University of Washington Chemical Engineering Annual Graduate Student Poster Session.
Curtis C., Helmbrecht H., McKenna M., Shackelford D., Zhang M., Nance E. (2019) Implementing data science approaches at the interface of multi-particle tracking and histology datasets. University of Washington Chemical Engineering Annual Graduate Student Poster Session.
Boese J., Helmbrecht H., Scheiwiller S., Shackelford D. (2019). Protein Characterization and Classification in Pre-Clinical Neural Images. University of Washington Data Intensive Research Enabling Clean Technologies Symposium.
VI. Teaching Experience
Fall 2021
Summer 2020
Summer 2020
Spring 2020
Spring 2019
Fall 2016
Disease Directed Engineering Lab, Code Reviews, Lead Organizer and Instructor
Organized and led a biweekly code review with 8 undergraduate students and 2 graduate students
Taught reviews based on packages and functions from the larger SciPy environment, common laboratory code, and undergraduate projects
Promoted and encouraged undergraduates to organize and run code reviews for the group on their own progress or regularly used code
Disease Directed Engineering Lab, Tutorials in EXperimentalisT LEarning (TEXTILE), Lead Instructor and Curriculum Developer
Developed a curriculum including nine modules to teach data science, specifically processing and quantification of brain cell images, to students aged high school through graduate school
Led 15 students through the curriculum in weekly hour-long sessions
University of Washington, Dept. Chemical Engineering, Teaching Assistant for Distinguished Young Seminar Series
Developed application selection criteria by designing effective and equitable rubrics
Organized graduate student-led review panels for choosing finalists
Facilitated virtual speaker visits by scheduling faculty meetings, student group discussions, and moderating Zoom meeting transitions
University of Washington, Dept. Chemical Engineering, Teaching Assistant for Mass and Materials Balances
University of Washington, Dept. Chemical Engineering, Teaching Assistant for Chemical Engineering Senior Capstone Design
Arizona State University, School of Energy, Matter, and Transport Engineering, Teaching Assistant for ASU 101: Introduction to Chemical Engineering
VII. Service
2020 - 2021
2019 - 2020
2019 - 2020
2018 - 2020
2018 - 2021
2020 - 2021
2020 - 2021
2020 - Present
Department of Chemical Engineering University of Washington
Council to the Chair, Graduate Student Representative
Industry Event, Volunteer Coordinator, Logistics and Panelist Coordinator
Women in Chemical Engineering, Vice President
Graduate and Professional Student Senate (GPSS), Senator, Judicial Committee Member
Association of Chemical Engineering Graduate Students, President
College of Engineering, University of Washington
College of Engineering Student Advisory Council, Graduate Student Representative
College of Engineering Innovative Engineering Education Sub-Committee at University of Washington, Student Representative
Strategic Planning Steering Committee for the College of Engineering, GPSS & Chemical Engineering Representative
Advisory Search Committee on the Deanship of the College of Engineering at University of Washington, GPSS Representative
American Institute of Chemical Engineers Young Professional Committee, Retention and Recruitment Subcommittee, K-12 Outreach Coordinator
VIII. Memberships
American Institute of Chemical Engineers
Biomedical Engineering Society
Society of Women Engineers